Embracing the Future of Gaming

How to Future Proof Your Gaming System – AI, VR, and More

By | Nov 22, 2021 | All, Consumer, Gaming

In a world where video games now have professional leagues, teams, and communities, with twitch and other viral software getting billions of daily views, the slightest difference can significantly impact the video game experience.

When assembling technology for your team or consumer, analyzing the gaming industry’s past and future is essential to satisfy your end-users.
While the demand for an immersive experience co-exists with the expectations of speed, minimal lag-time, visual detail, and picture quality, hardware and technology supporting the heavy demand on PCs is essential.



The future of video games

With AI and AR video games now coming to fruition, where does the future of the video game industry lie?  VR and 4K resolution will soon be the industry standards.

While this may sound like a fantastic thing for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the world of video games, there are some considerations to make before jumping on the AI and 4K bandwagon.
Let’s look at how AI has affected the PC gaming industry and the direction that it is headed.


AI and non-player characters

When people think of artificial intelligence, they tend to picture robots and other futuristic entities. However, the concept of AI in video games is everywhere and has been for decades.

The idea of Artificial intelligence in the video game world takes form primarily as non-player characters. Non-player characters (NPC’s) are commonly found as the bystanders or “extra” characters in video games that vary in abilities, graphics, and details.

An example that everyone is familiar with goes back to the days of Pac-Man™. Most people did not realize that the colorful ghosts were some of the first NPC’s and AI characters in the video game industry. A more modern and futuristic example of an NPC is the by-standards in Grand Theft Auto™ that interact with you and respond to stimuli in a humanistic way. These characters are limited to what is written in their code, so while they may seem intelligent, there are only so many responses and actions they can take.

However, what happens when AI begins human programming thought and learning into the NPC’s within the network? And more importantly, what impact will this have on the hardware demands within the PC?  While this may sound like a fantastic opportunity to improve the gaming experience, some risks and considerations must be taken to accept higher AI forms into the gaming universe.



Efficiency issues with advancing technologies

Andrew Wilson, the CEO of Electronic Arts, famously predicted, “Your life will become a video game.”  When PokemonGo™ was created in 2016, it spearheaded a new generation of AR and immersive gaming. Within just a few years, the effects of games such as this have turned Andrew Wilson’s prediction into a reality, integrating the natural world and the fictional world.  With the new precedent set for gamers’ expectations, what challenges will accompany these advancements for the PC industry as a whole?


Increasing technology accompanies an increasing price

Not only are the video games themselves expensive to purchase, but for gamers to compete at high levels, the quality of the technology and equipment must be the top quality which leads to an expensive setup.

When deciding on various hardware solutions, consider using products from companies that have innovative solutions. To help the end consumer enjoy your product, using high-end hardware with direct access to updates without replacing the entire kit is a great way to help improve the consumer experience.



The 4K standard

The improvement in visual effects is undeniably one of the most sought-after features of a video game experience. With the release of games like Battlefield One™ and Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate™ in true next-gen, it is clear that we see significant improvements on all fronts.

The benefits do not stop at visuals – there are also advantages for gamers with better reflexes who can use the higher resolution to their advantage by allowing them more time to see where they need to go or which player needs help around them.

However, for consumers to play AAA games in 4K resolution, you’re going to have to invest in one of the higher-performance GPUs.  This means that those on the typical end of PC power will have to upgrade their hardware to fully enjoy these new games, which can be costly and inefficient for many users.


Heavier demand on PC hardware leading to lag time and latency issues

Latency is the time it takes for a signal to travel from one point to another. This can be seen in milliseconds, but latency becomes essential when playing video games, and every millisecond counts. The more lag time between the player’s input on their controller and what they see happening on the screen causes a disconnection between them, which can significantly impair gameplay.

When playing AAA games, latency is one of the common issues that can deter a user from selecting your product or service.



Phison solution

To mitigate the challenges of increasing price, visual demand, and latency issues, consideration about using Phison’s SSD controller solutions can help you alleviate these issues.  Phison E18 breaks the 7GB/s barrier for both read and write access while staying cool and power efficient.

In addition, Phison’s innovative and patented firmware solution delivers higher performance with lower latency.

The E18 also includes an aggressive power management feature that provides up to 20% of additional battery life while playing high-end games on laptops.



The future of video games looks promising with new VR technology coming out every day, along with higher resolution screens like OLED TVs which make it easier for gamers to immerse themselves into whatever world they’re playing in at any given moment.

When creating a product for consumer use, there are many factors that you must consider when deciding the hardware and technology that you plan on using. Looking at future trends and optimizing for longevity can be a great way to increase a client’s lifespan and generate repeat business.

Phison’s solutions can help in every aspect of this by making games smoother and more attractive to most devices while also offering a competitive edge to those who use Phison’s innovative gaming storage technologies.


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